How to go to Saudi Arabia by Car from Bahrain
Saudi Arabia has been growing tremendously. One of my bucket list items was to visit Saudi Arabia. I live in Bahrain and this article is about How to go to Saudi Arabia by Car from Bahrain.

The main thing to do is get a visa to Saudi Arabia. You can apply for the visit evisa on their website.
How to apply for 1 year visit visa to Saudi Arabia?
We applied for the 1 year visit e-visa since we are Bahrain residents and we were eligible.
Only countries mentioned on the website are eligible to apply for this visa. There are a few countries which are also eligible to apply. More information on their website.
Their website is
To make the application, it is required that certain documents to be uploaded to the online application.
How much is Saudi 1 year visit visa few?
The cost of the visa is USD 112.5 which amounts to approximately 45 BHD, which includes Medical Insurance for 1 year as well.
The documents required are Resident permit, 1 Photograph and Passport copy and address of where you intend to stay.
You can stay a max of 90 total days in the whole tenure of the visa at a single or different points in time.
Here are the steps for Bahraini residents driving to Saudi Arabia.
1. Insurance
Before you reach the toll gate, take a right to purchase an insurance policy to Saudi. We took a 1 day insurance costing BHD 1.2 as we were going to return the same day.
You can also go on the ETraffic mobile app and purchase an insurance policy for your period of stay.
2. Pay the toll at bridge BD 2.5
3. Gate – white customs receipt
Get a white customs receipt in the first counter gate. Here they will ask the Drivers name and the driver should be the owner of the car (very important). Incase you are using a rental car, the rent a car company must give acknowledgement that you are allowed to take care the car to Saudi. Check with your car rental company for further details.
4. Gate – passport check
The officer will check your passport and then let you pass through.
5. First time visitors to Saudi Arabia – fingerprint and photos.
Intermittent step – this has to be done only once and only by new visitors to KSA. This may not be required for Bahrain Nationals. Here they take hour finger print and photos. They also need your visa here along with CPR and Passport.
This can take 30 mins to an hour waiting time on the weekends.
Incase you miss it go take a u-turn and inform the gate officers. They will guide you to reapproach this place without going back to the starting point.
6. Gate – passport check and stamping
Here they may inquire on your reason for stay. We went on a 1 day visit and mentioned visit. You can also mention it’s your first time. After their review they will stamp the white receipt and return all to you.
7 – KSA Customs Check
Saudi Arabia customs officer will inform you which parking slot number to park the car. Park it and then keep your doors and trunk open for the officer to review. He will review and st so the white paper to give you the go ahead.
8 – Gate – Handover the white receipt
Finally give the white paper to exit gate and after this you will reach Saudi Al Kobar in few minutes.
Next will be when you return.
Return first time for Bahraini residents
1. Pay toll gate 25 SAR
This place is quite quick as it is where you are exiting Al khobar and heading to the causeway to Bahrain.
2. Gate – Collect the white customs receipt
This takes around 30 mins as it may be crowded in the weekend.
3. Next Gate – white receipt + all passenger passports
Here you have to submit all the passports with the receipt. This place is crowded on weekends and it may take 30 mins to 1 hour to clear. Stay on the right most here.
4. Gate – handover the receipt
Hand over your receipt to the officer who will verify if it is signed. After that the gates open for you to drive. Also, Stay left most if you have bahrain insurance. Usually all Bahrain residents have a Bahrain Vehicle insurance.
3. Gate – passport check
Here the officer checks the passports one final time.
4. Bahrain Customs check
Here the officer will check and let you pass thereafter.
5. Insurance check
Stay on the left most side because the camera scans your number plate and if you have an insurance, let’s you pass through quickly. It’s an automated process.
Done, now you can drive straight and reach Bahrain.
Drive safely.