Vivians Restaurant Bahrain

Vivians Restaurant Bahrain is a restaurant located in Saar. They are well known for their chic elegant ambiance. Each area of the restaurant has its own unique story. They host bridal showers, baby showers and family events. They also offer candlelight dinners. To know what to order here, scroll down below.
Address (P.S. Google Maps below): Opposite Saar Cinema, Saar, Al Markh, Bahrain
Time: 5 PM to 11 PM
Contact: 33233821
Parking: Yes
WHAT TO TRY AT Vivians Restaurant Bahrain
- Chicken Scallops
- Nacho Salad
- Watermelon juice
- Chocolate Waffles & Cheesecake (These are not on their menu but you could especially ask for it)

Where is Vivians Restaurant Bahrain located?
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