BOX IT Bahrain
Box It Bahrain is located at Saar Mall in Bahrain as well as many other locations across Bahrain. Check their website to know more locations!. P.S. Their Branch on the Budaiya Highway is currently closed. They offer a wide variety of Chinese takeaways in a takeaway box! It is literally so cute! To know our favorites, scroll down below!
This is one of my favorite Chinese takeaway restaurant so far. I usually just order from Talabat. Dynamite chicken and chicken caesars salad are my go to.
Saar Mall, Saar, Bahrain
11 AM to 1 AM
+973 77304050

What to try at Box It Restaurant
- Chicken/ Shrimp Noodles
- Dynamite Chicken!!!
- Caesars Salad!!!
- Chicken wings
- Teriyaki Shrimp
- Spicy Sweet Potato
- Taco Salad
- Pasta
- Chicken/Meat Fried Rice
This location is closed as of Nov 2020. Check their website for more locations.
Hope this article on BOX IT Bahrain helped you in making the right food decision. In case you did enjoy our recommendations or even otherwise, please let us know in the comments so that we can ensure our recommendations are the most accurate and up-to-date based on everyone’s tastebuds. This is Team Simple Food & Reviews, signing out for today. Check out more restaurants in Bahrain here.