Tiffin Delivery service

Drop Boxx, Tiffin and Food Delivery Service, Mangalore

Contact :  9980769809Location : Only Home Delivery
Timings : Lunch Orders by 3 PM for that day & Dinner Orders by 11 PM.Find them on Instagram : @drop_boxx

About them

Drop boxx is a tiffin delivery service in Mangalore. They offer home-cooked food with a different menu every day. They give you a choice of either VEG or NON-VEG.  They aim to provide a healthy home-cooked meal to their customers.

Food Menu

Tiffin Meals – Monthly plan meal price (26 meals)
▪️ Non-veg- 3000/-
▪️ Veg- 2800/-
(Also check our medium, large and x-large meal below)
Drop Box Tiffin Delivery Service Mangalore New Menu
Medium Meals
▪️ Non-veg- 150/-
▪️ Veg- 130/-
Drop Box Tiffin Delivery Service Mangalore New Menu
Large Meals
▪️ Non-veg- 220/-
▪️ Veg- 200/-
Extra-Large Meals ( 1 XL Meal = 2 Large Meals )
▪️ Non-veg- 400/-
▪️ Veg- 380/-
Drop Box Tiffin Delivery Service Mangalore New Menu

Drop Box Tiffin Delivery Service Mangalore - Rice Drop Box Tiffin Delivery Service Mangalore Chicken stew
Drop Box Tiffin Delivery Service Mangalore Chapathi

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