Home Delivery,  Mangalore,  Mangaluru,  Tiffin Delivery service

Nutrifix Meals Mangalore – Food Delivery service

Nutrifix Meals Mangalore – Food Delivery service

Home Delivery Only
Pre-order Timings – Lunch up till 11.30 AM and Dinner up till 6.00 PM

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For a daily dose of a Nutrifix meal, you can subscribe to a meal plan. You can subscribe to a certain number of meals and have them delivered to you regularly without having to place an order everyday and at a discounted rate.

FOOD MENU  (Click on the images for clarity)

They have a fixed menu for lunch and dinner which consists of a well balanced meal consisting of a Carb portion, Protein portion and a nutritious salad. You can opt for a Carb or Low Carb meal, Veg or Non-veg meal, or a Meal customized to your diet plan.

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They are a healthy meal prep delivery service based in Mangalore, initiated with the vision of changing the stereotypical outlook on healthy eating habits. They are well aware of the need to take care of ourselves and willing to take on the healthy life but our busy schedules impede us from doing so.
Nutrifix meals will have your healthy nutrient filled meal, prepped and delivered whether at the workplace, post workout or even to the comfort of your home, right to you so that you can use all that time to actually enjoy your meal especially instead of having to worry about cleaning up the kitchen counter or shopping for the next meal.
It is brought to you at your convenience. They believe in Treating your body with the nutrition it deserves without having to compromise on taste and beating the monotony of routine diet, with their  monthly rotational menu which consists of a variety of new and innovative flavors.

Visit our Instagram page for more ♥ – www.instagram.com/simplefoodreviews


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