Farmers Market Bahrain Salmabad
This Farmers Market Bahrain is located in Salmabad. I am yet to visit the one at Budaiya. This place has a beautiful outdoor park attached to it. The greenery is so soothing and calming. Also, inside, you can find fresh vegetables and fruits of all kinds. You can also find plants, sweets, dates, perfumes, coffee and so much more! I thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Farmers market and especially when I ended it with breakfast here. You have to visit here at least once trust me you will love it.
There are 4 restaurants at the farmers market. 3 indoor and 1 outdoor. We actually didn’t realize there were 3 inside until we finished eating. However, google maps is showing even more restaurants here. I’ll have to visit all of them to give you the exact details and I will. Stay tuned.
To know about the restaurant here which offers traditional Bahraini breakfast and cuisine, click here Dar Sherry Bahraini Traditional Restaurant

Address (P.S. Google Maps below): Hoarat A’ali, Salmabad, Bahrain
Time: 8 AM to 3 PM – All days except Sunday
Parking: Yes a lot.
MORE FROM Farmers Market Salmabad
Where is Farmers Market Salmabad located?
Hope this article on Farmers Market Salmabad helpful to you in finding another amazing place in Bahrain. What is your favorite part of the Farmers Market? Let us know in the comments, we would love to know. This is Team Simple Food & Reviews, signing out for today. Check out more restaurants in Bahrain here.