Mehran Nepali Dharan Restaurant Bahrain Hoora

Mehran Nepali Dharan Restaurant Bahrain is located at Hoora. It is a small restaurant that offers authentic Nepalese cuisine which is just a delight and in fact, is one of our favorite places for momos. The food wait time is 15 to 25 minutes, as they make everything fresh. To know our favorites, scroll down below.
Address (P.S. Google Maps below): 9 AM to 12 AM – All days
Time: 9 AM to 12 AM – All days
Parking: No
Price Range: BHD 2 to 4 for two
WHAT TO TRY AT Mehran Nepali Dharan Restaurant?
- Steamed Chicken Momos
- Chicken Tupka
- Fried Chicken Momos
P.S. Due to Covid, they use disposable packaging.
Where is Mehran Nepali Dharan Restaurant located?
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