Cafe,  Mangalore,  Shake Factory Mangalore

SHAKE FACTORY Mangalore Hampankatta


Balmatta Road, Hampankatta, Mangaluru, Karnataka 575001
11 AM to 11.30 PM – All days
824 4111120, 7907940150


Shake Factory is located in Hampankatta at Mangalore. It is a chic cafe which offers a variety of Milkshakes, fries and nachos which are my go to any day. They also have some good refreshing coolers. To know my favorites, scroll down below to Must Try!

SHAKE FACTORY Mangalore Hampankatta


  • Fire House Burger
    • A classic burger with double patty which is well marinated and crisp along with fresh veggies and cheese.
    • It is one of their signature dishes.
  • Black Lady Mojito
    • Black currant flavoured drink.
  • Chicken Beast Sub
    • This sub had a crunchy chicken filling, fresh purple cabbage and 2 different types of sauces.
  • Classic Oreo
    • The milkshake was thick yet smooth!
  • Cheese Nachos
  • Naughty Nuggets
  • Chicken Dorrito Fries
  • Chicken Texas Fries
  • Chicken Tikka Burger
  • Caramello



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