Easy Home Recipes

Easy Cheesy Chicken Pizza Recipe

This quarantine had got me bored and hungry and so I thought why not try one of my favorite food in the whole planet. Pizza! So, the results? It turned out real good and here I am sharing this easy recipe with you all!

Hi, I’m Royce. I’m 19 and currently doing my 2nd year bachelors degree. Cooking and baking has always been few of my interests from a very long time. This quarantine has really elevated that interest and has helped me explore a lot of new stuff. I think food is one thing which can really bring people together and help form great connections (^_^). Let’s get right to the recipe now!

Easy Cheesy Chicken Pizza Recipe

Serving : Makes 1 medium base pizza for 2


  • 1 cup flour (240 gms)
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1 ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tsp oregano
  • 1 tap yeast
  • About half a cup lukewarm water


  • Tomato sauce or paste (as desired)
  • Half a capsicum ( sliced)
  • Half a small onion (sliced)
  • Corn (as desired)
  • 2 Mushrooms (sliced)
  • Half a chicken breast (diced and marinated with half teaspoon turmeric, ¾ spoon chilli powder and half tsp salt)
  • Shredded mozzarella


  • °In a bowl mix all ingredients except water.
  • °Slowly add water to the bowl and mix until you get a slightly sticky but firm dough
  • °Cover and keep in a warm and dry place for a couple of hours to rise.
  • °Once risen spread flour on a flat surface and flatten out dough to make a sizeable base.
  • °Add a little semolina to the base of the dough to prevent sticking
  • °Fry the marinated chicken and set aside.
  • °Add a layer of tomato sauce, capsisum, onions, chicken, mushrooms, corn and top it off with mozeralla cheese. You can add any topping you desire
  • °Bake for 20- 30 minutes in a 180- 220°C oven . Keep checking on it B-)

There you have it! Delicous quick home made pizza! Enjoy!

About the Author

Royce Lewis – Cooking and baking has always been one of his interests from a very long time and this quarantine has really elevated that interest and helped him explore a lot of new stuff. He believes food is one thing which can really bring people together and help form great connections.

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