Easy Home Recipes

Kiwi Omelet Sandwich Recipe with 3 ingredients

I have always wanted a quick breakfast option due to my early morning works schedule. I also do not want to compromise on my health which led me to discover this simple recipe using kiwis, omelet, and bread. So here is Kiwi Omelet Sandwich Recipe.

P.S. Apologies for the picture as I had forgotten to click a proper one.

Serves: 2
Time required: 10 Minutes

Ingredients needed for Kiwi Omelet Sandwich

1.       4 Eggs
2.       8 Slices of bread
3.       2 Kiwi fruits
4.       1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil/ Olive oil/ Butter
5.       ¼ Tablespoon of Salt

How to make the Kiwi Omelette Sandwich?

  1. Heat the pan
  2. Add the coconut oil/ olive oil/ butter and let it heat for 30 seconds
  3. Fry the slices of bread for 30 seconds each and Add 4 eggs to a bowl and whisk after adding salt.
  4. Add the mixture in the bowl to the pan
  5. Fry the eggs for 3 minutes on a low flame
  6. Scoop the pulp of the kiwi and mash it with a tablespoon
  7. Add the mash between 2 pieces of bread
  8. Add the Omelette between the 2 kiwi sandwiches
  9. Salt, Pepper, and Chilli powder are optional for more flavor on the sandwich I hope you enjoy making it as much as I do. You can also add lettuce, onions, and garlic.

Bon appetite.

Hope you enjoyed the Kiwi Omelet Sandwich Recipe. For more Easy home recipes, click here

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