Nino Bahrain Seef Al Aali Mall
Nino Bahrain is a restaurant located in Seef Area. It is among the many fine dine restaurants in Al Aali mall area. Nino is an Italian restaurant serving various Italian cuisines. To know what are the must try food here, scroll down below.

Parking is available. Best to use general parking or park outside during peek times, usually on holidays.
They provide a complimentary fresh baked bread with butter. We also had all our accompaniments such as Olive oil, Salt, Pepper, Cheese and Balsamic Vinegar.
It was my best friends birthday. We asked them to mention Happy birthday on the liquid tiramisu dessert and we had a surprise when they got it over. The hosts played beautiful birthday music and all clapped for my friend. It was a delightful surprise and more so, was a sight to behold.

11:00 AM to 11:45 PM
What is must try food at Nino Al Aali Mall?
Portobello pizza
Gamberi con saffron risotto
Beef carpaccio.
Liquid Tiramasu for dessert (it comes with coffee icecream)
I’ll skip Chicken Katsu sushi as it was not exciting.

Menu of Nino Bahrain Seef
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